About Think Smarter World

Since its inception in 2013, Think Smarter World has been focused on the raising of personal and societal consciousness and the overall journey to a more enlightened world.  That journey begins with each individual’s own transformational path of spiritual awakening and expanded consciousness. The transformation is moving from living in a state of duality and separation (us vs. them and the ego separated from the soul) to one of Unity Consciousness (seeing the inherent oneness and interconnectedness of all and allowing for the full expansion of one’s soul to its full divine power and leadership position in our lives).

con•scious•ness: personal consciousness is awareness—how an individual perceives and interprets his or her environment, including beliefs, intentions, attitudes, emotions, and all aspects of his or her subjective experience. Collective consciousness is how a group (an institution, a society, a species) perceives and translates the world around them. In its largest sense, consciousness has been referred to as a “milieu of potential,” a shared ground of being from which all experiences and phenomena arise and eventually return.

con•scious•ness trans•for•ma•tion: A fundamental shift in perspective or worldview that results in a clearer and more expanded understanding of self and the nature of reality. Such transformations can lead one to a greater sense of meaning and purpose, and a reorientation of priorities toward the health and wholeness of both self and the larger community. | world•view: The beliefs, attitudes, perceptions, and assumptions through which we filter our understanding of the world and our place in it.

from the Institute of Noetic Sciences

If Consciousness is Awareness, then Why the title Think Smarter?

Thought creates everything in both the physical world and the metaphysical one. Thoughts are what lead to all creation (the movement of energetic vibration or frequency, into material form), which starts in the local minds of biological beings, or the minds of non physical entities, or the universal mind of the Source / Creator which we are all part of. At a human level, thoughts are generated by our beliefs which form the basis of how we process events in our life and that lead to the construction of the reality we experience. That reality experience naturally leads to thoughts, which in turn leads to emotions. Those thoughts and emotions then create an electromagnetic vibration signature that represents our state of being and per Quantum laws, that vibration attracts similar vibration signatures into our lives. The result is we create more of the same reality until we change how we are vibrating. Or more importantly from a root cause perspective, our vibrational reality will not change until we change our beliefs, de-program our minds, and take on a new, more desired set of beliefs.

What this means is that we are very powerful Creator Beings, and our thoughts and emotions are the seat of that power. We literally move energy into material form via our minds. Creating (and experiencing the fruits of those thought creations) is what we are all about. The average person has anywhere from 50,000 to 75,000 thoughts per day. Most of those are of the low-vibration / low consciousness variety. So, by learning to master our thinking, we can either create beautiful, divinely inspired creations that benefit ourselves and others from a position of high consciousness, or create not so nice things and even down right harmful things that injure and degrade ourselves and others, from a position of low consciousness.

Ultimately then, Thinking Smarter is understanding first the process of how thoughts create our reality.  This then leads to an awareness of what is useful thinking and what is detrimental thinking (mindless chatter and fear based thoughts of the past or future, and low-consciousness thoughts built around un-enlightened belief systems created by mental programming by others and society). Next, we come to realize that thinking smarter is not thinking more but less –  by actually reducing all unnecessary thoughts and thus quieting the local mind. By doing this, we can then much more easily link to the infinitely more powerful universal mind of the Source / Creator and our Higher Self (the fully expanded version of our soul which is always directly connected to Source) and then co-create with that divine inspiration using our thoughts and imagination to create our desired physical reality. In this manner, our reality creation is infused with the power of Divine Level Consciousness and we and the world benefit immeasurably.

Lastly, the “Big Elephant in the Room” must be recognized. Our individual thoughts and the level of our consciousness connects to everyone else’s and together we form the “Collective Consciousness”. There is no separation. As consciousness or energetic vibration converts to material form, we individually create the reality we experience and collectively we create the shared reality at a global level. As an individual raises his or her consciousness, they directly affect everyone else in a positive way. And the more powerfully they raise their consciousness, the more powerfully they impact the collective shared reality. The opposite is also true and why those that seek to control and dominate humans work hard at keeping consciousness lowered on Earth. So raising one’s consciousness is the single most important and impactful thing a person can do for the good of their own lives, and for the collective good of the planet. 

There is no one perfect model for how consciousness evolves, but one good example comes from the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), the consciousness research institute founded by NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell in the 1970’s:

IONS Consciousness Tranformation Model

The path starts on the left with a “Noetic Experience” – which as defined by IONS as follows:

no•et•ic: From the Greek noēsis/noētikos, meaning inner wisdom, direct knowing, or subjective understanding. As defined by philosopher William James in 1902, noetic refers to “states of insight into depths of truth unplumbed by the discursive intellect. They are illuminations, revelations, full of significance and importance, all inarticulate though they remain; and as a rule they carry with them a curious sense of authority…”

In other words a “personal or spiritual awakening” first takes place, an insight that you didn’t have before, or revelation of a deeper reality than what you’ve been accustomed to occurs.  Thus the journey to enlightenment and higher states of consciousness begins.  This awakening is what the Buddha prescribed in order to “get on the path” – the eightfold noble path of the Buddhist tradition. Thus the awakening, is just the beginning.  [To understand the nature of Spiritual Awakenings please see my article – Spiritual Awakenings – What they are, Why they occur, and How they happen]

The IONS diagram does a good job of highlighting that as you migrate the path, there will be turns where you must be careful in your navigation lest you “veer off”.  So, as you move from awakening to exploration, your next step should lead to finding a solid practice that leads to enlightenment, otherwise, you can get stuck in “continually seeking” a “magical fix” rather than moving forward with a committed practice leading to lasting transformation.

As you progress on the path to transformation and growth in consciousness, the IONS diagram gives you solid sign-posts to determine if you are moving in the right direction: Life becomes a practice, where things appear as opportunities for development rather than problems or hindrances; I becomes We, instead of reverting back to Me; Next, we start living deeply with more understanding of the interconnected nature of things; Finally, seeing how the “other” is really us, we develop the desire to be of service to others as they are in essence ourselves and bring that ethos to our families and communities. The result is a profound shift in personal consciousness which leads to significant societal transformation for the benefit of all.

Thankfully, there are many more among us now that realize that humanity is evolving to higher levels of integration and consciousness, and this movement has begun accelerating in recent years.  And, if you’ve been paying attention to the state of the world, I think you’ll agree it can’t come soon enough.

Spiritualists, Scientists, and Creatives working at the highest levels of Elevated Consciousness have been showing us these new pathways for some time. They are the ones who have been willing to challenge the Status Quo and step outside the box of conventional thinking. It’s now up to more of us to access and learn from their pioneering insights so that we can achieve our individual potential and purpose. The natural result will be the societal transformation that is so desperately needed around the world.

Think Smarter World (TSW) brings you the wisdom of these pioneers, along with my own insights and experiences, to help you in your own personal journey of awakening and transformation. Everything I write and share is meant to help you regain your Divine Super Powers. Here are suggested ways to maximize the benefits you can receive from TSW:

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy your time on Think Smarter World.

~Jay Kshatri