Co-Creating with Source Energy – The New Paradigm of Success

June 11, 2015

Co-Creating With Source Energy

We’ve established in previous posts (Quieting the Mind, Tuning into the Present Moment, and Optimizing the Human Energy Field) that Prana / Qi or Source Energy is regulating the Human Energy Field and every aspect of our physical reality.  The ancient spiritual traditions of China and India knew this many thousands of years ago.  We now call this “New Age” thinking.  Which is funny isn’t it?  The truth that has existed since the dawn of time is considered “new” because we are just getting around in our life time to “re-discovering” it.  In this context then, what humans have been viewing as the nature of reality for the last few hundred years in terms of materialistic science is what really should be considered “New Age” thinking.

In today’s modern understanding of Quantum Reality, if everything is energy, then accessing the Source Frequency is like tuning into a radio station.  You tune into it with your mind and body, that’s why taking care of those two things is so important.  And, just like a radio, you have to tune into the right frequency if you want to get proper reception.   The fact that we now have many examples of people communicating telepathically; performing remote healing; test results of emotions affecting the physiology of plants;  real-time video of the human aura (which can be affected with our thoughts); the placebo effect and more; should be enough to make people think twice about dismissing the idea of something beyond the purely material realm.

Just as the principles of material physics “existed” before Newton “discovered” them, so it is true for everything in existence.  All information and knowledge already exists and humanity is on an evolutionary course of “discovery”.  Which leads to the question, if everything already exists (the holographic principle of the universe) then is there a way to access that information more effectively in order to accelerate our personal and societal evolution?

Some would call accessing higher level intelligence, intuition.  Others would call it synching up with “Big Mind”, “Universal Consciousness”, or “God”.  The fact is that over the course of time we have witnessed certain humans that appear to be tapping into higher levels of knowledge and using that information to accelerate their creative ability in their profession or the arts.

Big Mind in SkyFortunately, we can all access the same massive information data base in the “cloud” – we don’t need to be limited to our brain / body – based “local hard drive” with a limited amount of information gleaned through historical experiences and stored up memories.  This Source Energy or Source Information Field, is beaming at us every moment of every day.  We can either tune into it or we can ignore it in favor of the local hard drive in our bodies – the “Little Mind”.  That relatively small hard drive is limited to what we have managed to learn in our relatively brief life span versus the cumulative knowledge and wisdom that has ever existed at a level beyond what our conscious minds can fully comprehend.  Why would we limit ourselves?  [Yes, we can now access our own human based cloud via the internet, but the content of that repository it can be safely assumed is still far smaller by comparison to Big Mind and our ability to quickly and accurately access what we need to know is cumbersome.]

By-Passing the Religious Middle-Men

Speaking of Spirituality and connecting to the Divine has been shied away from in modern society because of the tarnished reputation of major organized religions.  But what the New Spiritualist achieves is the by-passing of the “religious middle men” and connects directly to the Source itself.  The religious middle men have been promising for thousands of years that only they had the “keys” and the “proper communication channels” to receive and transmit the wisdom and guidance of the Divine. Follow their directions and you’ll be assured a “piece of the action”.  By so doing, they of course amassed significant power, wealth, and control.  And when insiders within their own ranks tried to unmask the truth of being able to connect directly to the Source, they were shunned and put down.  These insiders were the Mystics of the major world religions – Christianity has a number of them (Pierre Teilhard de Chardin is a good example) and even Jesus it has been argued was teaching principles of divine oneness based on the Gnostics and perhaps Eastern Traditions that were often being discussed in the Mediterranean Spice Route at the time of his living (see Jay Parini’s wonderful book – Jesus, The Human Face of God).  The muslims have had the mystical poet Rumi, the Chinese had Lao-tsu, the Jews have the Mystics of the Kabbalah tradition, and the case can be made that the Buddha was the Mystic who tried to reform Hinduism out of its insistence on a multitude of “middle man gods”.  Though, for sure, Hinduism has had no shortage of Yogi’s and Mystics in its ranks for its long existence and wonderful one’s in more recent times – Ramana Maharshi, Yogananda, Vivekenanda, and Aurobindo being just a few examples.


What the New Spiritualist achieves is “customized guidance” in all aspects of his or her life – the spiritual, the mental, the emotional, and the optimum regulation and health of his or her physical body.  Why would you want a one-size fits all approach from the middle man?  Ironically, the modern self help and psychology movements have been packaging up some of the elements of mystical spirituality for decades.  They are often labeled as “self-help” and “humanist” and referenced to scientific-like measurements of human progress and observed traits of “super-human” feats of strength, stamina, logical thinking, and professional and cultural creativity when humans manage to tap into something such as “Flow” or “Inner Guidance”.

These things point to the basic truths of human existence – since many of us wanted to dis-associate ourselves from the tarnished brand of most organized religions (Buddhism being an exception as it is not a dogmatic belief system but rather a tactical practice and philosophy of mastering the mind), the self-help and humanist movements were perfect vehicles to learn how to connect to higher levels of reality without explicitly acknowledging a divine link.

It all fit nicely with our rising technological capability and increases in standards of living in developed parts of the world.  Our narrative had become one of human supremacy with no need to recognize where the power source was coming from nor how it was interconnecting all of us.  Advances in our technology have also been leading us down a self-reinfspiritual power sourceorcing loop of paying attention to only things we can “see” and ignoring other things that are beyond our immediate senses.  Our ever shinier objects convince us that only what we can touch and hold is of value.  But the frontiers of science have strongly shown that our reality is much beyond what we can actively sense and that our world is at its core a dynamic web of energy.  And if everything is energy, and our eyes and ears can only see and hear 1% of the energy frequency spectrum, then Seeing and Hearing are Definitely NOT Believing.  The giants of Quantum Physics inherently recognized this to be true. Most had mystical tendencies and their words in this context have been wonderfully captured by the philosopher and systems thinker Ken Wilber in his book – Quantum Questions, Mystical Writings of the World’s Greatest Physicists. 

Precisely because the word ‘soul’ refers to the central order, to the inner core of a being whose outer manifestations may be highly diverse and pass our understanding. If the magnetic force that has guided this particular compass – and what else was its source but the central order? — should ever become extinguished, terrible things may happen to mankind, far more terrible even than concentration camps and atom bombs.  But we did not set out to look into such dark recesses; let’s hope the central realm will light our way again, perhaps in quite unsuspected ways…if we may no longer speak or even think about the wider connections, we are without a compass and hence in danger of losing our way.  – Werner Heisenberg

But, contrary to the strict division of the activity of the human spirit into separate departments – a division prevailing since the nineteenth century- I consider the ambition of overcoming opposites, including also a synthesis embracing both rational understanding and the mystical experience of unity, to be the mythos, spoken or unspoken, of our present day and age. – Wolfgang Pauli

The most beautiful and most profound emotion we can experience is the sensation of the mystical. It is the sower of all true science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead. To know that what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their most primitive forms—this knowledge, this feeling, is at the center of true religiousness.… The cosmic religious experience is the strongest and noblest mainspring of scientific research. – Albert Einstein

The problem is that if you don’t know where the power source is coming from and don’t explicitly recognize that one exists, then you are not going to cleanly connect to it, and in many cases, you are going to do things that highly distort the connection and limit yourself.  The implications of that on our physical and mental health should be widely apparent by now – our modern industrialized age with the most advanced technology we have ever seen continues to produce unprecedented levels of ill-health, mental trauma, unhappiness, violence, and drug-use.  One can argue that since the 1950’s, our lunge into the “human supremacy” movement has produced one highly sick and toxic being.  And, unfortunately, the answer that too many people keep coming up with is more technology, more pharmaceuticals, and more mind-less entertainment.  But there is hope…

Various visuals for TSW Blog Posts.001Effective Tuning Into Source Energy Transmission

The Source is seeking to create through us.  Each of us is a unique individual who has the ability to create in material form.  Together, we and Source accomplish that.  Therefore, what Source seeks to create, you can implement in material form in a myriad of ways.  That’s the freedom you have.  Source is always transmitting its divine energy and will, so even if you don’t know it, you are picking things up.  But it’s like partially tuning into a weak radio station, you can hear somewhat, but not very clearly.  You yearn to hear the station clearly. You tune in more clearly by doing things we have discussed in previous posts – on Quieting the Mind, Tuning into the Present Moment, and Optimizing the Human Energy Field.  

egoTwo key things that are necessary ingredients to tune in effectively and co-create with source are the surrendering of the ego’s desires to the will of the Source and removal of fear from your mental outlook.  The ego wants the human to have full control and believes the body is completely separate from all others.  It was originally intended to protect the soul while in bodily form so that it could experience material life and co-create with Source and not get injured in the process.  But over time, it has magnified itself to want to be in charge, to be the boss.  It’s as if one day you decided at work to tell your manager you had decided no longer to take his or her direction and would be managing yourself from now on.  Supposing you were allowed to do this, you could still be able to function, but you wouldn’t have the critical direction and coordination of your work from your manager.  You would also lack feedback on your work product.  You could still interact with others and get things done, but you would be out of “synch” with the overall organization in many ways.  That’s what its like to be dis-connected from Source Energy and Divine Will or Direction.

As we’ve seen in previous posts, this dis-connection has implications for the health of the human body in all forms – physically and mentally – and for our overall spiritual health, sense of purpose, and life direction.  We need only look around at every-day 21st century life to realize we have a lot of people running around “open-loop” causing much harm to themselves, each other, and the planet as a result.

The aspect of fear comes into play because of our inherent desire to be in control.  This is coupled with the fact that we are highly motivated to put our focus outside of ourselves and on things that our five senses can pick up.  If we can’t see it or hear it, then it’s not there.  That’s where Faith comes in.  But we don’t need to have blind faith.  By going inwards through meditation and mindfulness we can learn to slowly connect with our inner energetic states and start establishing emotional connections to Source Energy.  This is done through focusing on love via our heart energy center (the two-way communication link or carrier frequency to Source).  Fear is the opposite of love, so trying to connect to Source while in a fearful state is like hanging up the phone and then trying to talk.

Once we start moving to a more loving state of being, we can establish a connection that gives us feedback and signals that let us know the Source is there and that it’s more tangible than we realize.  As we strengthen the connection, clues start to appear in our physical reality – chance meetings, synchronicities, and small wins and “mini-miracles” come our way.  The Source will attempt to assure us that it’s there and ready for the creative partnership to begin in earnest.

Source Energy as your Personal GPS


Once we decide to “re-connect” with Source Energy and accept Divine Will as our guide, then we can start to receive divine guidance or the “What to Do” and then use all of mental and physical faculties at our disposal for the “How to Do” or implementation and creation of that desire.  In this sense, the left brain’s rational, linear processing and right brain’s holistic and and big picture thinking work together to create a balanced output in our physical reality.  If we sacrifice one side for the other, we produce non-optimized solutions.  Either way, there are usually a large range of possibilities on how to implement an idea or concept and in that way a person has great “creative control” in their lives though they are taking guidance from Divine Consciousness.  We needn’t fear being a slave to some cosmic master, rather it can be extremely empowering to feel that we have certainty on the right thing to do and can confidently go forward and implement in the manner most desirable to us.  We welcome the guidance of the “Great Conductor” and play our part in the “Universal Orchestra”.

Spirtual OrchestraBut I also don’t think the “What to Do” is a solely one-way street.  Sometimes you can “improvise” the part your playing as someone would do playing in a jazz band.  Improvising around a unified theme is common. What allows for this is accessing Universal Consciousness (the big data base in the sky).  It has an infinite set of possibilities that can be accessed.  In this regard, you may have your “key objectives” that the Source has identified for you to achieve for your individual development and for contribution to the evolution of society, but there are also opportunities for exploration on other topics as well.  Anyone can tap into the big data base and pull down ideas.  People in fact do this simultaneously around the world.  That’s why in history, we have witnessed the same thing being invented in two or three different locations at the same time.  The key point is that everything is up there, good and bad, that humans can do. Therefore, it takes individual discernment and alignment with Source Energy and the will to know what is helpful to all of humanity and what is harmful.  Just because we can do something doesn’t mean we should do it.

But you may be wondering, so how do I really “know” what Source wants me to do.  Is there going to be an email or text message?  Hmmm, no.  This is where the health of your human energy field is so important – the body (emotional, physical, and mental) is the receiver of the signal.  If that’s fine-tuned, then you’re more likely to receive clearly.  With that box checked off, the next key thing is to start asking questions. That’s how the free will system is set up – it’s up to you to ask for guidance and help.  Just as you would ask your boss at work, “hey, what should I be working on next?” – you can do the same with Source.  You won’t get an email or text, but you will get direction – either via some type of energetic feeling in your body, an “instinct” or “gut reaction”, or some people even start to hear a small or faint voice that provides the direction.

You will often hear people say, “I really should have followed my instincts on that one…”.  The Source is beaming information and guidance 24/7 and usually your fist instinct will come in clearly and be correct especially if you develop the ability to lower your mental noise, eliminate fear and silence the ego.  Here is one way to create a system to understand the divine Source Signal that author and psychotherapist Yvonne Oswald presents in her wonderful book, Every Word has Power:

The inner you, your unconscious mind, which where these answers come from, ‘knows’ much better than your conscious mind the state of the universe as it applies to your needs (not desires), because it has your best interests at heart.  It, along with every one of the fifty to one hundred trillion cells in your body, is eagerly listening to your instructions at this moment.  You can test the method  to find out how much you are in touch with the inner you by simply stating a true or untrue statement and asking yourself what number between one and ten comes up.  So, for me: ‘My name is Jim:  zero out of ten.  My name is Yvonne: ten of ten”.  Do the One-to-Ten decision making  with simple daily decisions at first , such as “How good it for me to have pasta tonight?”  The more quickly you can come with an answer, the more you can trust it.  The one thing to remember is this:  If the number you come up with is five or below, the answer is No.  ‘How good is it for me to…’? is a far better question to ask that “Do I want to …?” Yes, you may want to marry Jim (or Marry), but would it be good for you?  That might be an entirely different matter.  How you ask is extremely important for clear decision making.

My personal GPS signal is an energy surge that runs from my heart region up through my neck and into my head.  When I ask a question and get a positive answer the surge moves in that direction.  When the answer is no, then there is no surge and sometimes a muted feeling near the heart energy center.  The signals vary from person to person, so experiment with Yvonne’s approach and also see if you notice some type of energetic body signal also.  Give it some time, it takes a while to tune in. And, if you don’t get a clear signal, that may be an indication that you need to do work first on optimizing your energy field, lowering your mental noise, and lowering fear.

*Is there a way to know that you are actually connected to source and not something else? Yes. If what you are picking up as a signal and translating into action is based on love and doing things for others in a loving way that leads to unity and not separation, in all aspects of your life, then you’re locked into true Source Energy .  Othwerise, you are distorting the signal and the ego is actually in charge.  And in some cases it is posing as the Source (when religious extremists for example say their actions are based on god’s will).  Anything that is based on fear – hate, violence, anger, unkindness – and leads to separation between people versus unity and oneness, is the opposite of love and therefore the opposite of Source.  And, responding to distortions of Source with your own distortions – violence against violence, hate against hate, unkindness repaid with unkindness, and amplifying the separation or differences between people – is just amplifying the disconnection from Source Energy.  The non-violent efforts of Gandhi, King, and Mandella all showed us how to do it correctly.  Certainly, sometimes the threat is too dire and immediate and just as you need some times to take care of a serious illness with drugs or surgery before you can get to solving the underlying long-term cause, you may also need to take more serious actions on other fronts.  But it has too be the last resort, not the first or second resort…

Manifesting – the Power of Co-Creation with Source Energy

If Source Energy creates everything, and it’s the only “real” thing that exists, then the more you are tapping into it instead of something that is not real (your ego-driven thoughts that are orthogonal to Source) the more powerfully you will be able to create and manifest your physical reality.  This is what often is missing in most guidance on manifesting and the Law of Attraction – the need to optimize the physical and mental connection to divine Source Energy first and then intending with love and the best interests of everyone (not just yourself). This is why everyone who intends a Ferrari doesn’t end up getting one… [there is a group called the Intenders of the Highest Good who show how to do it correctly – their website and books by founder Tony Burroughs are very good.]

Manifesting with Source is about aligning with Divine Consciousness and not the ego.  I’ll leave with you with a beautiful statement on what that means in practice from UK based spiritual teacher Chris Bourne:

It is not just our thoughts that create our reality, it would be more accurate to say our entire consciousness creates it – the sum total of what we are being and expressing through ALL our bodily vehicles of expression. Herein lies the problem when we try to manifest a particular reality; all too often the ego or small “I” is trying to do it. In other words we are trying to make choices based on our conditioned behaviours, our hopes and desires or alternatively as a result of our worries and fears. For example, we feel insecure so we try to manifest a better paid job; we’re uncomfortable being alone so we try to manifest a partner; we’re not happy with our house so we effort to get a better one.
This are all hopes, wishes and desires of the ego, the personality – the small “I”. They are based on controlling thought forms prevalent in our society and conditoned behaviours – fixed neural pathways in the brain generated from our upbringing. However this is only a fraction of our consciousness. Our unique expression of divinity is the soul. We came here to connect with our soul, reintegrate it fully into our lives and allow it complete freedom of expression so that it may glorify our true beingness.  ….Authentic creation happens spontaneously in the moment flowing downwards as energy from our higher self – the highest aspect of the soul closest to the source. When we are truly aligned with this, our creative action happens as one with the natural flow of the Universe – the whole Universe is creating in harmony with us. We may call this “Right Action”. It feels like we are completely ‘in the groove’ so to speak – we align to a natural rhythm in life which is blissful and magical to behold. The act of creating is the act of allowing. In looking within, we see past the distortions of the ego to find what is meant to be. When we know what is meant to be, we become as one with the divine will… the inner most longing of our highest self; we become an open channel and infinite potential is manifested through us, and through us, the infinite cycle is complete.

~Jay Kshatri

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