Earthing – The Most Important Health Discovery Ever

September 7, 2016


Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever! by Clint Ober, Dr. Stephen Sinatra, and Martin Zucker.


The premise of Earthing or Grounding is that our bodies are electrical systems and just as our electrical appliances need to be grounded (to remove excess electical charge), so does the body for optimal health and reduced inflammation. From the book:

We are learning that the Earth’s electrical energy maintains the order of our own bodily frequencies just as a conductor controls the coherence and cadence of an orchestra. We all live and function electrically on an electrical planet. We are each of us a collection of dynamic electrical circuits in which trillions of cells constantly transmit and receive energy in the course of their programmed biochemical reactions. Think of them as microscopic electronic machines. The movement of nutrients and water into the cells is regulated by electric fields, and each type of cell has a frequency range in which it operates. Your heart, brain, nervous system, muscles, and immune system are prime examples of electrical subsystems operating within your bioelectrical body. The fact is , all of your movements, behaviors, and actions are energized by electricity.

The earth’s surface is full of negatively charged electrons. Your body on the other hand, has excess positively charged free radicals. When you touch the earth with your bare skin, you allow the earth to siphon off those positively charged free radicals. Free radicals (the reason why we try to eat foods high in anti-oxidant properties) are what cause inflammation in the body and inflammation is what is now thought to be one of the major culprits behind many diseases including heart disease and cancer.

Humans used to be naturally grounded when we used to walk barefoot and sleep on the ground. Now of course, we rarely ever come into direct contact with the earth, except for a week or two a year when we go on vacation and walk on the beach or have a picnic in the park and take off our shoes and walk on the grass. So a simple solution is to just walk barefoot on the earth more often. That of course may not be convenient, so there are grounding pads and sheets that you can buy (a simple wire is run from the pad or sheet to the grounded circuit in any electrical outlet) and you can enjoy the benefits of grounding indoors all year round.

~Jay Kshatri

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