The World’s Most Powerful Search Engine – Intuition

March 28, 2016


If Google is our search engine into the physical world’s collective knowledge, then intuition is our search engine into the aggregated knowledge of the entire universe—or rather, of all that is and has ever existed in Mind, Body, or Spirit. This aggregated knowledge is often referred to as the Universal Consciousness.

When we’re using our intuition, we allow information and guidance to reach us from beyond our conscious—and even subconscious—mind. The information usually comes in the form of a feeling. As an example, some people speak of having a “gut feeling” about something; others shy away from the concept of “trusting their gut” because it may seem to be an illogical reaction, clouded by our biases. But these are, in fact, trustworthy feelings, and if we pay attention and listen to them closely without any mental editing, they’re usually quite accurate.

As Carl Jung put it: “This term [intuition] doesn’t denote something contrary to reason, but something outside the province of reason.” Experiments have also been done to verify our “gut instinct.” The May-July 2004 issue of What Is Enlightenment? Magazine featured the research of parapsychologist Dean Radin, author of The Conscious Universe, who sought to find if the gut has “perception intelligence.”

According to Radin, research results support growing evidence that humans do have more than one brain—that there is a ‘dense place of neurons, down below’ that points to the existence of a belly brain … In an experiment at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) with twenty-six pairs of people, Radin showed one person—the “sender”—eight minutes of video images, split into four segments, each according to their emotional content: happy, angry, sad, neutral (no images). Sixty feet away, a second participant—the “receiver”— was locked in a sealed room with electrodes monitoring heart, skin, and stomach muscles. The sender consciously tried to send the images to the receiver. The results have been persuasive. IONS research director Marilyn Schlitz says, “We’re seeing that the gut is a very sensitive organ, so even if you’re in another room, my gut can sense when you see a particularly evocative image and respond emotionally. Therefore your state can influence my state.”

So, for those who have felt these gut instincts, you would be wise not to ignore them. You may not want to use these signals exclusively, but when your gut reaction is matching up to other data, you certainly should pay attention.

Our intuition can be useful in a broad array of situations. The website Applied Intuition ( further describes intuition as follows:

The “information” accessible through intuition consists not only of objective facts—statements that can be said to be true or false—but also subjective human knowledge: comprehensive understanding, broad perspective, accumulated experience, and knowledge that cannot even be described verbally. Intuition feeds each person’s acquisition of private self-knowledge, as well as his perceived and evolving relationship with the greater reality of which he is a part. Intuition nourishes him as he encounters challenges along his life path. It does so by giving him “information” of a greater sort than provable facts.

Regular meditation is a great practice to develop our intuition skills. It calms the mind and allows us to more easily connect to the subconscious parts of our mind—or those that connect to the Universal Consciousness.

To gauge your level of intuition, use the following ThinkSmarter Quick Test to see if you’re on the right track regarding an issue of importance to you, such as a relationship, purchasing decision, life decision, business decision, or the like.


  • Have you looked at the issue from multiple angles, used varied resources and inputs, and eliminated biases from your decision making? Do diverse reputable and trusted sources concur? Can you tell your parents, spouse, and children about what you’re going to do or believe without reservation? Would they think more or less highly of you?


  • Once you visualize yourself actually having made the decision or adopted the belief, how does it make you feel? Do you feel energized and positive, or hesitant and uncertain?


  • Is what you’re contemplating doing, believing, or achieving drawing you closer to other people, or does it cause separation (I’m more, you’re less; I win, you lose, I’m better, you’re different)? Are you driven by love or something else (fear, hatred, delusion)? Do you create a win-win scenario or a win-lose scenario by your thoughts and actions?

~Jay Kshatri

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