The Restoration of Right Vision is the Single Most Important Task Confronting Individuals and Society Today

March 10, 2018

“It is the great challenge of a life dedicated to lucid waking. Addressing the social aspect of this problem, social scientist Duane Elgin writes: ‘We cannot consciously create a future that we have not imagined. When our collective visualization is weak and fragmented, then our ability to build a workable and meaningful future is commensurately diminished. To consciously evolve, we require a clear vision of a compassionate future that draws out our enthusiastic participation in life. The richness and reach of our social vision is a direct measure of our civilizational maturity.’

Moreover, the depth of our social vision — that is the vision that informs our society at large — depends on the spiritual maturity of our social visionaries, their personal level of wakefulness and their degree of wisdom. As long as they continue to misunderstand the real nature of our present-day crisis, which is spiritual, and dabble merely in technological solutions, the future of the human race looks grim.

By putting right vision into practice, we not only shape our own destiny positively but also, in ever widening circles, influence our fellow beings in benign ways.

Real self-interest is the pursuit of a life filled with peace, harmony, joy, and compassionate action for the benefit of others. What is real about this is that even as we promote the physical, mental, moral, and spiritual welfare of others we promote our own total well-being. Right vision, above all, honors the essential interconnectedness of all beings and things. It is ecological in the deepest sense of the word: mindful of the universe as our ‘Home’ (Greek: oikos), in which all beings are close relatives and in which there are no strangers or enemies.”

~Georg Feuerstein writing in his book, Lucid Waking, Mindfulness and the Spiritual Potential of Humanity

~Jay Kshatri

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